This form is not for troop camping reservations. For troop camping, please reserve through That link will take you the doubleknot landing page; on the top bar, under "Reserve a Camp" you can switch to whichever camp you are looking for.
This form does not make your reservation: If your request is approved by using this form you will receive a notification letting you know, (approved). Please note that this notification does not mean your reservation is booked. Look out for a second site confirmation email within the next 48 hours that will confirm the camp, dates and sites that have been reserved. It is important you review this information carefully, this confirmation will also have a link for payment. Reservations are not complete until you receive a site confirmation email and pay in full. If for any reason you received a jotform confirmation but not a site reservation within 48 hours, please contact our Customer Care Department
Day Use Requests Can be made through this form. Weekend Day use reservations are no longer able to be completed through doubleknot. Please complete this form for any weekend day use reservations.
Thank you for your interest in reserving space at a GSCNC camp property! We try to accommodate as many requests as possible while also ensuring that there are plenty of opportunities for troop camping.
Requests sent through this form will be reviewed every 2 weeks by the camping services department. If we are able to accomodate your request, customer care will be notified so that the reservation can be made.
We recommend that you submit your request no later than 4 months prior to the date, and no earlier than 6 months in advance (with exceptions for service unit requests, which may be sent earlier).
Service Unit Encampments can be made through this form. We recommend using the regular application first when available, as it is prioritized.
Tips for reservations:
o Only reserve as many lodges/sites to accommodate the number of people you will have.
o April through June and September through the end of October are the busiest weekends on GSCNC property. We try to leave as many weekends open for troop camping as possible.
o If possible, choose a Sunday after 1pm for your weekend event. These reservations will not affect troop camping reservations.
o Remember that overnight reservations start at 3pm and end at 1pm the following day.
o View the availability chart to see events already planned at camp:
o View the protected troop camping weekends here:
o If you are requesting a canoe or kayak trailer please contact the high adventure specialist directly